What sort of model should I use
Well, there’s lots of examples. I’m pretty sold on those triplets because they’re cool and they solve the whole time+feature space sparsity issue in a pretty way. That’s really more of a way of fitting the data in. Definitely superior to how it’s done in the others, though. They’ll:
- cut it into windows, create overlapping embeddings
- give each feature their own entire NN
- stuff it into an RNN and just grab the whole final output, throw that into the main solution
- or worse, they’ll aggregate the RNN output by summing over the outputs of each step???? @merkelbach
- at least one of them computes the attention or smth over the outputs of each step. idk which tho
So, it comes down to what I’m piping the triplets into. I could really pick anything. There’s really two routes: